"Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting light. The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight". These precious and familiar words were sung as Sonshine Patch Preschool friends and family gathered to light our huge Christmas Tree. During the past weeks everyone has been learning and growing so well as we prepare to celebrate the miracle of Christmas, the birth of our Jesus, God with us.

After a special Thanksgiving feast with staff, students, and families we began to center lessons and activities on this Christmas season.

It was a joy to see the children make ornaments for the tree as parents and teachers, with the help of our friends at DMEA, strung lights from top to bottom. We sang carols and read from the Word of God how to be the salt and the light, then came indoors for cookies and hot cocoa.

Last week we all walked across the street to visit our neighbors at Montage Creek Living Center. Each of the classes performed Christmas songs, poems, and fingerplays for the residents. We are very thankful that we have the opportunity to teach our students about ministry and being a part of our community.

Our school was also able to purchase new bicycles this month, which has been a wonderful gift to the children! These days we are working very hard to get ready for the Christmas Program! We are excited for families and friends to come and see how well the children have been doing. We also are finishing up December with our wreath fundraiser.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this year such a success. Our preschool thrives because of the tremendous amount of love and support we receive from our church family! We couldn't do this without you and are truly grateful for your care over the many decades.
You can join us in praying for each child and family that walks through our doors. We ask that God would use us at Sonshine to minister to those in our community, teaching the truth about the love, hope, and peace our Savior brings. We ask for protection from illness and harm and that the Lord would continue to strengthen staff and teachers with wisdom, encouragement, and patience. We pray that your faith will increase and that especially during this season, your hearts be full of joy. Wishing all our friends and family a very merry and bright Christmas!
Daisy Chell
Sonshine Patch Preschool Director