Happy February!
Love is in the air here at Sonshine Patch Preschool. During this month, we saw classes celebrate by making and sharing Valentines. We spent time learning and talking about God's great love for us, how we can show Him love, and how we can show love to others. Festivities included quite a bit of hearts and cookies as well. I stand in continued awe as I get to see firsthand the many riches of Christ's love fill these sweet halls. Every day, our darling children engage in different learning experiences and activities. Our prayer that they grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus is the foundation of our school. And He has been so faithful!
This month also saw Preschool Literacy Day. This event welcomed parents into the classrooms for reading stations and a special walkthrough story book of Green Eggs and Ham. Our parent committee planned and organized things so that the pages of this beloved book could come to life in the big room. The students were able to experience trying real green eggs and ham accompanied by a goat and a boat, and a fox and a box, and a mouse and a house, and a train and in the rain. It turns out most of the kiddos DO like green eggs and ham! Another special part of our school that you may not be aware of is that we have Chapel once a week. This is a time set apart for all of our classes to come together for songs of worship, prayer, and a Bible story or lesson. I am thrilled to share with you that this month, we held our regular Chapel in the sanctuary, where things were led by Mrs. Alaina Quinn, the Children and Family Ministry Coordinator! What a gift to be able to partner this way with our church family. Staff, students, and parents were blessed as truth, hope, and love were shared from the pulpit. We want to say a big thank you to Alaina for teaching us new music and sharing lessons of faith!
Lastly, I want to share with you that we have kicked off our spring fundraiser, Project Pi. This event aligns with the mathematical number pi, often "celebrated" on March 14th - 3.14. We sell raffle tickets for $3.14 each until our school assembly on Thursday, 3/13. Three winners will be drawn to receive pie and family-themed prizes. The highest-selling student from each class will also get to pie a certain someone in the face (me, it will be me!) We thank you in advance for any support you may want to provide for this fun event. Again, I see the Lord's bountiful provision and guidance each day here at preschool. We desire to continue serving our community with quality care and education. We rest in His great care as we journey onward. In all things, may we give Him all glory and honor.
Daisy Chell
Sonshine Patch Preschool