How do you put a whole year into a few words? "It was wonderful" just doesn't seem to cut it. But it must be said - teachers, children, and their families really did have a wonderful year!!

It's not hard to think back and recall with fondness so many special and rewarding things. We had a huge group of children attend preschool across five classrooms, each one unique as a snowflake. Our Sonshine staff skillfully and lovingly met each kiddo where he or she was and provided such support and encouragement that we saw so much growth and learning. Students in our program are now well-equipped with their ABCs, 123s, and stories of Jesus, as we worked to prepare them for Kindergarten and beyond. Not only did teaching center around basic academics, but more importantly around how to share, make a friend, follow directions, and show kindness. So many parts of child development take place in a preschool setting and I'm so very proud of our teachers and children here at the end, as we celebrate a job well done!
I'm also thankful of course for the amazing families and the love and support they provided. We saw moms, dads, grandparents, and siblings of all ages help with special events and fundraisers adding to the success of our wonderful year.
A few highlights to point out are: Fall Fest and Trunk or Treat, the Wreath fundraiser, Thanksgiving feasts, the Christmas Tree Lighting, our Literacy Day - Camp Readmore, the Pi fundraiser, our Easter event - The Journey of Jesus, and monthly Bless the Teacher - a special lunch for staff!!
Because of our parent committee, we saw quite a list of things planned, organized, and run so smoothly. I am also grateful for the members of our school board and leadership team. This group of parents and FPC members has been diligent in their dedication to running this school. I am deeply encouraged by their guidance and support!
What's another piece that's added to making up a wonderful year, you may be wondering? Why, our family at First Presbyterian Church of course!! The Sonshine Patch has had incomparable and unending support from you. The Monday Morning Men have served the facility so faithfully and people left and right have sponsored the Scholarship Fund, signed up to help with events and fundraisers, and as a whole, over decades, have not stopped praying for this sweet school!
We recognize that our foundation is in Christ alone. While it is clearly evident how God has used numerous people to minister here, the true wonder of success rests reverently on His shoulders. How beautiful is it to see the work of the Lord. His love poured out, His Word spread far, and His faithfulness abundant. His grace and mercy here in this place, reaching to His precious and beloved children. There is no one like our God! My heart is bursting with thanksgiving to know how He has called us into His service to teach, care for, and love all these young minds who enter our darling Sonshine Patch Preschool. May we give Him all the glory and honor forever.
Until next year my friends,