In essentials … faithfully informed unity
In non-essentials … faithfully informed liberty
In all things … faithfully informed love

We believe in one sovereign God who exists eternally in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things whether they are visible or invisible. God is perfect, holy, and characterized by love. God is knowable through His Son Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is fully Spirit and fully God and who with the Father and Son is equally God. The Holy Spirit lives within those who trust in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit works to convict us of sin and changes our hearts so we desire to serve God. The Holy Spirit gives us gifts needed to serve God. The Holy Spirit is a Comforter to every believer, a Friend called alongside to help, and is both the author of, and the One who provides illumination necessary for our understanding of Scripture.
We believe we are separated from God by sin. However, through His work of free grace, God has provided for our complete release from sin, condemnation, and separation from God. When we respond to God’s grace by placing our faith in Christ Jesus alone, God credits to us all of Jesus’ righteousness and all that He has accomplished for us. By faith, through the Holy Spirit, we are born spiritually, enter into union with Jesus Christ, become children of God, and receive eternal life.
The Lord Jesus Christ commands all believers to share the Good News throughout the world and to lead people to become followers of Christ. Because He loved us and gave Himself for us, following Christ requires giving ourselves to Him fully in self-denying love and servant hood.
Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ, who is our only Redeemer, the eternal Son of God. We believe he is both fully God and fully human, yet one Person. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born into this world by the virgin birth. His mission was to fully pay for sin through his death, bodily resurrection and ascension into heaven. He is now seated at the right hand of God as Prophet, Priest and King.
The Church
We believe in the Church. The true Church is comprised of all who are united in Jesus Christ through saving faith. The Church expresses its unity in Christ by right preaching of the Word, sharing the sacraments of water baptism and communion, and living disciplined lives. We believe the sole identifying mark of the Church is obedience to Jesus Christ alone. This creates a new Christian culture characterized by a loving community. This community is distinct from society at large, yet living in relationship with that society. Within that society the communion of believers strives in their work to glorify and proclaim Christ while waiting Christ’s return.
We believe in the Bible. We believe it to be the Word of God written and that where it is read and proclaimed Jesus Christ is there present. We believe that reading, hearing, preaching, and confessing Scripture are central to Christian worship. We believe the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments to be inspired by God. They are entirely trustworthy. The Bible is complete, needing no other books to define it. It is the sole rule of our faith and life.
Second Coming
Jesus Christ will come again to the earth – personally visibly, and bodily, in great power and the full display of his glory – to judge in righteousness the living and those who have died. Christ’s second coming will bring history to its conclusion for the glory of God. “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” (Rev. 22:20)

Jesse Mabanglo
Senior Pastor

Alaina Quinn
Children & Family Ministry Coordinator

Laura Perfors
Administrative Coordinator

Adele Creasey
Worship & Music Coordinator
Elected lay leaders who serve on the church governing body that oversees
its spiritual life, ministry, and governance.

Howard Davidson

Bob Burk

Jerry Furuiye

Kandi Ray

Dan Clader

Sheila Sullivan

Liz Mauch

Sally Fox
Deacons provide care, assistance, and outreach to church members and the wider
community through acts of compassion and service.

Lexy Stevenson

Evelyn Kaufmann

Tom Cheney

Carol Pyle

Paula George

Norm Baker

Jeanne Motley

Sally Furuiye

Joyce Baker